🌟 Day 10: Log Analyzer and Report Generator


3 min read

🌟 Day 10: Log Analyzer and Report Generator

Hello DevOps Enthusiasts! πŸ‘‹

Welcome to Day 10 of our 90 Days of DevOps challenge! Today, we'll learn how to analyze logs and create reports using a simple Bash script. Let's dive in! πŸš€

πŸ“œ Scenario :

Imagine you're a system administrator responsible for several servers. Each server keeps a daily record called a "log file," where it writes down what happens throughout the day – like important events or errors. Your job is to read these logs, find specific events, and create a summary report. Let's make it easy! πŸ˜„

πŸ› οΈ Steps to Complete the Task :

  1. Collect Log Files πŸ“‚

    • Gather all the log files from your servers.
  2. Analyze Log Files πŸ”

    • Look through each log file to find things like errors or other important events.
  3. Generate a Report πŸ“

    • Make a summary report that lists these events clearly.

πŸ“ Example

1. Collect Log Files πŸ“‚

  • Server 1: server1_log.txt

  • Server 2: server2_log.txt

  • Server 3: server3_log.txt

2. Analyze Log Files πŸ”

Search each log file for lines that have words like "ERROR."

3. Generate a Report πŸ“

Summary Report for Today

Server 1:
- ERROR: Failed to connect to database at 10:00 AM

Server 2:
- ERROR: Disk space low at 2:00 PM

Server 3:
- ERROR: Network timeout at 1:30 PM

πŸ›‘οΈ Explanation

1. List of Log Files

log_files=("server1_log.txt" "server2_log.txt" "server3_log.txt")

We create a list of our log files. Each item in the list is the name of a log file from different servers.

2. Create an Empty Report File

echo "Summary Report for Today" > $report_file
echo "========================" >> $report_file
echo "" >> $report_file

We set up a new file called summary_report.txt where we will store our final report. We start with a title and some formatting.

3. Function to Analyze Each Log File

analyze_log_file() {
    local file_name=$1
    echo "$file_name:" >> $report_file  # Write the server's log file name to the report
    while IFS= read -r line; do  # Read each line in the log file
        if [[ "$line" == *"ERROR"* ]]; then  # If the line contains "ERROR"
            echo "- $line" >> $report_file  # Write it to the report
    done < "$file_name"  # Read from the log file
    echo "" >> $report_file  # Add a blank line after each file's entries

This function (analyze_log_file) reads each line of a log file. If a line contains the word "ERROR," it adds that line to our report.

4. Loop Through Log Files and Analyze

for log_file in "${log_files[@]}"; do
    analyze_log_file $log_file

We go through each log file in our list (log_files) and use our function (analyze_log_file) to process it.

5. Print the Summary Report

cat $report_file

Finally, we display our complete summary report using cat.

πŸ“Combine Everything :

Putting it all together, we get the complete script:


# List of log files
log_files=("server1_log.txt" "server2_log.txt" "server3_log.txt")

# Create an empty report file
echo "Summary Report for Today" > $report_file
echo "========================" >> $report_file
echo "" >> $report_file

# Function to analyze each log file
analyze_log_file() {
    local file_name=$1
    echo "$file_name:" >> $report_file
    # Read each line of the log file
    while IFS= read -r line; do
        # Check if the line contains "ERROR"
        if [[ "$line" == *"ERROR"* ]]; then
            echo "- $line" >> $report_file
    done < "$file_name"  # Read from the log file
    echo "" >> $report_file  # Add a blank line after each file's entries

# Loop through each log file and analyze it
for log_file in "${log_files[@]}"; do
    analyze_log_file $log_file

# Print the summary report
cat $report_file

πŸŽ‰Congratulations! πŸŽ‰

We have successfully learned how to use Bash scripting to analyze log files and create a summary report.πŸ’ͺ

Stay tuned for more exciting tasks in our 90 Days of DevOps challenge.

Happy learning! πŸŽ‰